We all have problems HOPE- Bible Studies
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These lessons are intended to help you understand, deal, and overcome life’s hurts, hang-ups, and negative habits, and to bring you hope and healing.
These eight lessons are great for small group or personal study.
Purpose: These lessons are intended to help you understand, deal, and overcome life’s hurts, hang-ups, and negative habits, and to bring you hope and healing.
The Lessons: Each lesson contains four parts, based on the acronym H-O-P-E: Hear – We start with a relevant introductory thought, quote, story, or scripture. Read it carefully. Open-This part focuses specifically on opening the bible and gleaning what the word of God has to say about that lesson’s topic. some of the questions are the fill-in-the-blank type. Feel free to write in, mark up, and to underline key thoughts. Practice – in this part of the lesson, you turn your knowledge about an issue into practical ideas on how to implement it in your life. The truth is many of us are educated well above our level of obedience, so if you are only reading and not applying, these lessons will be only partially successful. Each day you will have three practical suggestions. Empower – This section ends the lesson. It answers the “what’s next?” question. It also connects with something called the gospel (good news). you’ll be called on to answer, What is the good news in this lesson? what I do with this information this week? How can my life be changed for the better as a result?
Small – group study or personal study: This resource is Part 1 of a three- part series. Eight lessons are included here, enough for one per week for a small group. The lesson can be studied in homes, workplaces, during church services, or wherever God leads you. They are simple, easy, and very practical. The lesson should take around 30 minutes to complete.